

Whereas we feel that in the proliferation of modern archery equipment, traditional equipment is forgotten, and

Whereas technology is moving archers and bowhunting farther from the involvement in список районов Москвы archery by not encouraging the direct involvement in making of equipment by ones self, and

Whereas we wish to preserve bowhunting history by carrying into the future with us.

Therefore in the tradition of Howard Hill, Saxton Pope, Art Young, Will Thompson, Kore Duryee, Glenn St. Charles, and all those who have left us with a rich tradition of archery

We then unite to form a traditional bowhunting organization for Washington State.


The organization shall be known as Traditional Bowhunters of Washington. Also known as T.B.W.


A. The purpose of this organization shall be to:

              1.   Join with Washington State Bowhunters as a supporting club, and to join with other clubs in the purpose and activities of the Washington State Bowhunters, when such activities do not conflict with the purpose of Traditional Bowhunters of Washington.

              2.   Promote and provide the use of traditional equipment for bowhunting and archery.

              3.   Encourage and provide instruction for the making of traditional equipment for, and by the individual bowman.

              4.   Make our views known on the advancement of modern archery equipment, and the subsequent effect on our bowhunting seasons and the image of bowhunting as a close range, primitive weapon sport.

B. The activities of this organization shall be to:

              1.   Hold an annual rendevous solely for the purpose of fellowship, shooting the bow and arrow, and making of traditional equipment.

               2.   Hold the annual membership meeting at the annual rendevous or at one of the established shoots, with the hosting club’s permission.

              3.   Establish a recording system for game taken by the use of traditional bowhunting equipment by T.B.W. members.


A. Membership shall be limited to persons believing in the romance of bowhunting with traditional archery equipment, and adhere to and believe in the rules of fair chase as set down by the Pope & Young Club.

B. Traditional equipment shall be bare longbows or recurves, hand held, and hand released.


A. Dues shall be $15.00 per family, annually, and due in July of each year. Dues paid after May for the new members will be applied to the next year.


A. Officers of the Traditional Bowhunters of Washington shall be:

1) President: who shall preside at meetings and be charged with the direction of T.B.W. officers and shall be the official spokesman for this organization and represent this organization at all meetings where membership believes our opinion shall be made known. In the absence of the president, the vice president shall fill in.

2) Vice President: who shall fill in for the president, be in charge of membership and publicity.

3) Secretary/Treasurer: who shall be in charge of minutes, membership applications, and all monies. Books will be kept to show all membership, income and expenditures.

4) Northwest Field Director

5) Northwest Field Director

6) Southwest Field Director

7) Northeast Field Director

8) Southeast Field Director

9) Director At Large

10) Director At Large


A. The terms of office shall be one year, re-elect able at the annual rendevous. There shall be no limit to the number of terms served.

B. The president shall be elected by the board members.

C. The board of directors shall consist of the elected officers.


A. In the event of dissolution of this organization, all property and monies shall become the property of the Washington State Bowhunters.


A. After the presentation to and approval by the membership, these bylaws shall take effect immediately. Changes shall be presented to the membership in writing, no less than 30 days before the annual rendevous.

B. A 3/4 majority vote of the total membership shall be required to effect a bylaw change.